Student Support and Care

Students need more care – and earlier in their college careers – than ever before, with 35% of incoming students having a diagnosed mental health condition. We need to expand our Care and Wellness Consultant model, invest in accessibility services, and offer additional support for our most vulnerable populations. This expansion is critical to augmenting the Center for Student Support and Care, making it a leader in and model for higher education.

Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty

Without the freedom to believe or not believe as we choose, nothing else matters. As the leading Catholic institution of higher learning, Notre Dame must lead the fight to defend our most cherished freedom. The Religious Liberty Initiative, established in 2020, aims to recruit expert and mission-aligned faculty and staff and expand opportunities for law students and undergraduates to help safeguard our most inherent beliefs.

The Exoneration Justice Clinic

Exoneration Justice Clinic

More than 3,100 Americans over three decades have been exonerated for crimes they did not commit. Answering Christ’s call in Matthew 25 to visit our brothers and sisters in prison, the Exoneration Justice Clinic is committed to freeing the wrongfully convicted and helping them reintegrate into their communities. Growing the clinic will enable Notre Dame law and undergraduate students to help free more innocent people as learning becomes service to justice.

Technology and Digital Studies

Digital Learning

Over 80% of open jobs require digital skills, and by 2025, it is estimated that 95 million more positions across disciplines will require technical skills. Growing student interest and employer needs require our Technology and Digital Studies Programs to augment offerings for liberal arts students to hone skills in computing technology, data science, and software development. Our students must be ready to meet the demands of today and the future.

North Addition

Mendoza College of Business

Now serving over 2,700 undergraduate and over 700 graduate students annually, the Mendoza College of Business has an immediate need for additional space to ensure access for more Notre Dame students and preparation of the next generation of global business leaders. The North Addition will be part of central campus next to the existing Mendoza building, featuring a spacious North Auditorium that will host premier speaking events and “Foundations”-level introductory courses for all incoming students.

Business Honors Program

The rigorous formation of the next generation of business leaders at the Mendoza College of Business is rooted in academic excellence and informed by moral purpose. The Business Honors Program attracts a diverse and talented cohort of students with a specialized and unique course of study, expanding access to an unsurpassed undergraduate business education.

Art Naming Opportunities

Raclin Murphy Museum of Art

The new, world-class Raclin Murphy Museum of Art under construction will be central to the University’s commitment to teaching and serving. Resources are needed to provide for the permanent care of art galleries, a sculpture court, studio classrooms, an education center, and additional components in support of a vibrant art museum for all.

Art Named Directorship

Museum of Art

The Raclin Murphy Museum of Art stands to deliver programming, engage up-and-coming artists, and reach thousands of students and community members each year. The prestige of an endowed and named directorship will allow us to retain and attract world-class leaders in perpetuity.